Free Online Classes for Android App development by IIT Bombay, Join SWAYAM Portal

Android app developing is like discouraging job but it opens the world possibilities. You have the capability to change the world with your indented idea of app making. If you are a beginner and want to step into the app developing world then IIT Bombay will help you out.

As the news flashed on tweeter that IIT Bombay is providing free online tutorial for android app development. The tutor is Mr. Kannan M Moudgalya who is a professor in Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. The course fees are completely free and the development learning can be done on SWAYAM platform (Study Webs of Active-Learning for Young Aspiring Minds). It offers hundreds of courses and is learned at school, college and university levels.

The android app development course is taught in Kotline programming language which is an open source programming language for developing android app. Of course the app learning requires an undergraduate or a postgraduate student to join. And hardly will it take eight weeks to cover up 10 audio video spoken tutorials to finish up the course.  The course is approved by All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE).

Requirement to go for the course

  1. A laptop with configuration that matches the criteria by
  2. Install JAVA software on computer
  3. High speed internet connectivity for installation and first project making
  4. Pursue the steps as given away in the lecture “Getting started with Hello World app” carefully. It gives details how to do the setup in the Android phone.

Hurry up as the entry will be limited. Hence, go to the website soon and enroll yourself to learn Android app developing.

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