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Microsoft CEO’s big announcement, GPT 4 to generate videos!

Excitement is brewing in the AI community as Microsoft announces the launch of GPT-4, Read to know what is special this time!

Excitement is brewing in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) community as Microsoft Germany’s Chief Technology Officer, Andreas Braun, announces the launch of GPT-4 next week. GPT-4, the fourth generation of the Large Language Model, is poised to revolutionize natural language comprehension and be a game-changer in the field of AI. According to Braun, GPT-4 will bring new possibilities, such as multi-modality and video processing, which will enable machines to interpret natural language more accurately than ever before.

The news was first made during the AI in Focus – Digital Launch conference in Germany, according to the media outlet Heise. Microsoft has been open about its intentions to include AI in its products and has already added ChatGPT to Teams, Bing, and Edge. It is anticipated that these items will provide improved capabilities after integrating GPT-4.

The CEO of Microsoft Germany, Marianne Janik, has stressed that the incorporation of AI does not always result in job losses. Companies should put more effort into teaching their employees how to use AI efficiently. Microsoft has been working towards this objective and is probably going to continue using GPT-4 into its products.

The GPT-4 will have the ability to produce videos

Reports suggests, GPT-4 will be capable of generating videos. It will be faster and more effective than GPT-3.5 in finding information and delivering results. GPT-4 will also be multimodal. It will allow users to interact with it through a variety of media, including text, photos, videos, and sounds. Microsoft will eventually integrate the responses from the new model, which is expected to be more human-like, into Bing Chat.

With Microsoft’s significant investment in OpenAI, there is a possibility that they might incorporate GPT-4 into Bing Talk. According to rumours, OpenAI is creating a mobile application using GPT-4 that would enable users to create videos using AI. The AI world is eagerly awaiting the launch of GPT-4. Experts predict that it will be yet another significant turning point in the development of natural language comprehension.

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