India government’s new IT rules which was highly protested by the Social Media and Tech companies in the country has banned more than 20 lakh WhatsApp accounts in the country. In a statement, WhatsApp said the company has deleted imposed a ban on accounts spreading harmful content between May 15 and June 15. This is the first compliance report from WhatsApp.
The Facebook owned Instant Messaging company further informed that it has deleted 20,11,000 accounts in a month with the country code +91 which belong to India. This is 25 percent of the global accounts the company has deleted in a month’s time. Reportedly, the company deletes approx. 80 lac accounts every month across the globe.
Worth mentioning that WhatsApp has imposed this ban on accounts due to spreading of harmful content. For instance, the accounts which were sending bulk spam SMS to accounts have been deleted. Besides, those accounts have also been banned which people have complained of sending unsolicited messages. There are also some accounts which have been identified as sending objectionable messages.
Now question arises, can your account also get banned? Answer is, YES. If you also send spam messages in bulk or sending objectionable messages to others, then refrain from such practices because the new IT rule has become stricter than before. Apart from this, legal action also can be initiated against you if keep sending such messages. You account will also be banned if you threaten someone using WhatsApp.
So if you want to keep your account safe and sound, then stay away from such illegal activities.