Samsung had lately launched three new A series Smartphones i.e. Galaxy A10, Galaxy A30 and Galaxy A40 in India. Now the company is getting ready to launch the Samsung Galaxy A40. The Smartphone is about to launch in the entire Europe, but it’s price just got revealed before its launch. Simultaneously, one Samsung Galaxy A40 support page also is revealed in Europe.
If we stand to the report of Mysmartprice, it claims that the Samsung Galaxy A40 will be priced at 259 Euro (around Rs.20,000). Apart, it’s specifications also have been released. The report claims that it will run on the Android 9.0 Pie OS.
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Besides, the Samsung Galaxy A40 will be powered by the in-house Exynos 7885 processor and will supprot 4GB of RAM and 64GB onboard memory. This phone will also be made avilable in 6GB RAM and 64GB memory variant. However, launching date of the Smartphone is yet to be released.
Now just taking a glimpse on the price tag of the recently launched Samsung devices in India, the Samsung Galaxy A50 costs the users Rs. 19,990 for the 4GB RAM and 64GB memory variant. Similarly, the 6GB RAM and 64GB ROM variant costs Rs.22,990. The Galaxy A30 costs Rs.16,990 and the Galaxy A10 costs Rs. 8490.
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To get further update on the exact specs, price and features of the Samsung Galaxy A40, keep visiting BlogZamana.