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How to Install Google Chrome Extensions in Opera and Vice Versa


Browser add-ons and extensions are add extra features and functionality to it. But the add-ons and extensions can be used only with the browser for which it is developed. For example the Firefox extensions will not work in IE and the IE extensions will not work in Chrome and so on. But good news for Opera and Google Chrome users, now they can use Chrome extensions in Opera and vice versa. To use chrome extensions in Opera you have to download Opera Next 15 or higher version of Opera and also to use opera extensions in Chrome you need to download Chrome 28 or higher version of Chrome (including the dev and beta versions). Installing Chrome extensions on Opera, and Opera extensions in Chrome is not that easy you have to follow some steps given below.

Install Chrome extensions in Opera 15

  • You have to first, install the Chrome Extension Installer for Opera Next 15.
  • Then visit the Chrome Web Store and install the extension you want to install.
  • After you download the extension it will work normally in Opera.

install Opera Next extensions in Chrome

  1. Open the Opera add-nos page .
  2. The page automatically detects the version you’re using, and will show you only the compatible extensions for that version. You have to install Opera 15 to get the extensions that’ll also work in Chrome
  3. Click on one of the extensions you are interested.
  4. Right-click on the Add to Opera button and select save linked content from the context menu
  5. The extension is saved as an .nex file, the new format Opera uses for Blink engine extensions.
  6. Open the folder you have saved it to and rename the file extensions to .crx ( format that Chrome uses)Open Chrome, and drag and drop the .crx file onto Chrome.
  7. You’ll be prompted to review the permissions before installing it.
  8. That’s it.

The process is very quick, you don’t have to wait for a long time. The latest versions of Chrome and Opera include many common features. So, many extensions work fine but only the extensions having use browser specific features will not work. Please comment if you find the blog is useful to you.

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