WhatsApp is all set to launch its biggest feature of all time. WABetaInfo, the WhatsApp features tracking website has claimed that the Facebook owned company is working on the ever best feature of all time which will auto-delete messages after a scheduled duration.
The upcoming feature of WhatsApp will be named as “Dissapeared” after clicking which the messeges will be auto deleted. This “Dissapeared” feature is already available in the Indian messanger App Telegram.
Also Read: Good News! Now You can use WhatsApp on a Single Number from Two Smartphones
It’s worth mentioning that further WABetaInfo has claimed that WhatsApp from February 1st will stop functioning on devices running on Android 2.3.7 and iOS 7 OS. Before WhatsApp support for Windows and Microsoft has been stopped by the company. Reportedly, number of Smartphones running on these OS are very few.