Apple has finally unveiled its new super-thin notebook. It is the first fanless Mac. The new MacBook will be available in Gold, Silver and Space Grey colours. The lower specced model will be offered at Rs. 99,900 in India and the higher specced model will be available at Rs. 1,19,900. Shipping of the new Macbook will begin on April 10.
We see a lot of changes and new features in this notebook. It sports a 12-inch Retina-class screen with a resolution of 2304×1440 pixels. The screen is 0.88mm thin. The thin screen is said to be using 30 percent less energy than the screens on previous models and it still gives the same levels of brightness. The new MacBook weighs 0.91kg and is 13.1mm thin. Apple developed an all-new aluminium unibody . Apple also brings a new butterfly keyboard switch mechanism which is 40 percent thinner and is more stable than the scissor switches used in most of the keyboards. The keys are full-sized and each keycap features its own LED for even backlighting. It also comes with a new Force Touch trackpad which does not click physically, but delivers haptic vibration feedback.
The new MacBook is powered by Intel Core M processors. The processors are based on Intel’s fifth-generation low-power Broadwell architecture. The Macbook will be offered in two models;-one will be powered by a 1.1GHz Pentium M and 256GB of internal storage, and the second one will feature a 1.2GHz Pentium M and 512GB of internal storage. The two variants will feature 8GB of RAM and integrated Intel HD 5300 graphics.
The Apple Macbook now features only a single USB Type-C port that can be used to do for charging and connecting peripherals. The port enables 5Gbps USB 3.1 data transfers and DisplayPort video output. Users will have to use adapters.The Macbook sports terraced battery design that gives 35 percent greater capacity in the same amount of space. The Apple Macbook is claimed to have a battery life of 9 hours of wireless Web browsing or 10 hours of movie playback. There is no need for fan vents and the Macbook runs without any sound. Apple says that it is the thinnest, lightest Macbook from the company.
Apple has also upgraded 11-inch and 13-inch MacBook Air models with new fifth-generation Intel Core processors with integrated HD 6000 graphics. They also feature Thunderbolt 2 connectivity. The 13-inch variant sports a PCIe-based solid-state drive too.