Panasonic has launched a new smartphone Panasonic P81 in India. It is an octa core smart phone and it costs Rs.18, 990, Panasonic’s new smartphone will be pitched against Karbonn Titanium Octa, Gionee Elife E7 mini ,Elife S5.5 ,Micromax Canvas Knight and Huewei Ascend 750,which are octa core smartphones. The Panasonic P81 comes loaded with apps and freebies worth Rs 9,900. They include free entertainment download from hungama for 30 days, evernote services for 180 days which is worth Rs 1800. It also has India today e content and great offers from Hot-n-trendy space and other accessories like back cover and screen gaurd worth Rs 2000.
Speaking on the occasion of launch, Mr. Manish Sharma, Managing Director, Panasonic India said, “With the launch of the Panasonic P81, we have reached yet another milestone as this is the first model of the “P” series featured with octa-core processor. The introduction of this model reiterates our commitment to keep innovating as we believe that it is a direct result of the consumers’ needs, and customer centricity has to be at the core of developing products for the Indian consumer.”
The Panasonic P81 is a dual sim phone. The phone is 7.9mm thick and sports a 5.5-inch IPS display having a resolution of 1280x720p. It uses Android 4.2.2 jelly bean operating system. [highlight]It incorporates a 1.7Ghz octa-core processor.and Mali 450 GPU. It has 1 GB RAM and comes with an internal storage space of 8 GB which can be expandable upto 32 GB using a microSD[/highlight]. The Panasonic P81 smartphone sports a leatherette backside cover which ensures that your Smartphone doesn’t slip from your hands. It has sensors like accelerometer, proximity sensor and ambient light sensor.
The phone has a 13MP camera with auto focus and LED flash features. It has also got a 2MP front camera to take your selfie shots. The phone supports 1080p video recording. It has a 2,500mAh battery. The phone has descent connectivity features like bluetooth 3.0 Wi-fi, Wifi hotspot, 2G and 3G . The Panasonic smartphone now has more and improved apps like gesture playapp , Device Cleaner app and multi tasking app,smart ringer, music cafe etc.