The end of 2023 has some good news for the Nokia old handset users. While December is yet to witness fresh security patches for the latest and expensive Nokia handsets, the older ones like Nokia T20 tablet, Nokia 3.4 and 5.4 have started receiving the same. Of course it’s not usual, but worth appreciation as the devices have scheduled for end of support from the beginning of 2024.
As per the details mentioned in the End of the Life website, support for the Nokia 5.4 is ending at the very end of December, in fact on the very beginning day of January since the device was announced in 2020 and official support for Nokia 3.4 has ended already. So it might be the last security patch update for both these devices from the company.
Here are the details of the updates:
– Nokia 3.4 | 27.88 MB | December Security Update | available globally
– Nokia 5.4 | 33.84MB | December Security Update | available globally
The update is rolled worldwide for the said devices. To check availability on your device, navigate to Settings > System > System Update > Check for Updates. If available, you can download it and follow the onscreen instructions to complete the update process.
Source: Nokiamob