Apple earlier this week has rolled the iOS 17.3 update for iPhone users. While this update intensively focuses on safety parameters, a brand new feature called the ” Stolen Device Protection” has a lot in bouquet for the Apple users. This feature works like a shield when someone tries to access or change the sensitive data or Settings on your device. It imposes restriction on certain settings when your iPhone is not in a familiar location and demands Face ID or Touch ID to change them. Further it adds an one-hour delay if change of any sensitive information attempted.
If you have updated your iPhone to the iOS 17.3 already, you should consider manually activating this feature on your device as it’s not auto-enabled. Just for info, the Stolen Device feature is only available on iPhone XR and later, iPhone SE (2nd generation) and SE (3rd generation). Now let’s see how to activate this feature on your iPhone.
Open the Settings, tap on Face ID and Passcode.
Enter iPhone’s Passcode.
Tap the Turn on Protection under Stolen Device Protection.
Once the Stolen Device Protection is ON, it will require confirmation of your identity with Face ID or Touch ID while performing certain actions in unfamiliar locations. These include changing saved passwords or payment methods, turning off Lost Mode, erasing content, applying for an Apple Card, and more.
As the Stolen Device feature only works in unfamiliar locations, so it’s advised to set up your home location while enabling this feature. Else you may have to wait for an hour to change any Settings in your home or work location.