Recently, Google announced to launch two new Smartwatches with pre installed Android Wear 2.0. There are lots of wearable device available in the market and online and to that two new devices are going to join in the list. After investing in the hardware business and getting bigger response, Jeff Chang, product manager Google’s Android wear reveal the news.
According to him, by 2017 Google will bring two flagship smart watches into existence. The android smartwatches will be equipped with Android wear 2.0 operating system. In the interview with The Verge, the product manager didn’t disclose the company name which is going to produce the smart watches. These two watches will not be named after Google or Pixel brand rather the manufacturer’s brand name.
Earlier when first installed on phone only supported watch app and related function. In the two new smart android wear 2.0 system watches will no longer depend on paired mobile phones but relatively going support independent watch applications installation. Not only this, to meet the hardware configuration, the Android wear 2.0 system watch will also support Google’s smart assistant and NFC based on mobile payment service.
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On the other hand Jeff Chang also uncovered that bulk of today’s Android smartwatches will be upgraded to Android Wear 2.0 system. The final preview of Android Wear 2.0 will go on air in January and developers can start developing tweaks for us. Isn’t it great!
According to market survey in the third quarter the sale of wearable device undergone through incomparable range of inquiries which was not good for Google. But later after knowing the Pixel market sale which was literally good, Google was satisfied with what it has invested its capital for the mobile. Hence, development of two new smartwatches with android wear 2.0 will help Google to expand the hardware business revenue in near future and beyond.