Recently, Apple Smartwatch was launched in India starting at Rs. 30,900. Now, India is welcoming The new iPad Pro, its price starting at Rs, 67,900. The apple iPad pro is the largest tablet made by the company. You can have entertainment with the four speakers and long lasting battery battery life. Samsung had launched a huge 18.6 inch tablet.
The iPad Pro bears a huge 12.9-inch display with 2732×2048 pixel screen resolution.It is backed by a huge Non-removable Li-Ion 10,307 mAh battery (38.8 Wh) .
It is driven by a fresh Apple A9X processor. It comes in 32GB and 128GB storage options. You can do heavy tasks smoothly with the beastly 4GB RAM. The device runs iOS 9 software . You can multitask with- Slide Over, Split View, and Picture-in-Picture support offered by the tablet .The device has fingerprint sensor , accelerometer, gyroscope, compass and barometer.
On the camera front, the iPad Pro features an 8-megapixel iSight camera. The camera has the capability to record full-HD resolution videos. Connectivity options include Wi-fi, NFC, Bluetooth and GPS. You can connect and transfer your stuff with speed using USB 3.0 connectivity.
The iPad comes in two storage variants. The 32GB iPad Pro Wi-Fi only model is priced at Rs. 67,900, while the 128GB iPad Pro Wi-Fi model will cost you Rs. 79,900. The 128GB iPad Pro Wi-Fi + Cellular model can be grabbed for Rs. 91,900. The device can be purchased from authorised resellers.
- 12.9 inch Display
- 128GB Storage option
- USB 3.0
You can compare iPad pro with the Samsung Galaxy View Tablet.
The Samsung Galaxy View features a monstrous 18.6-inch TFT LCD full-HD (1080×1920 pixels) resolution display. The display is accompanied with a built-in 2-way kickstand. T he device has got dimensions 451.8×275.8×11.9mm and weighs 2.65 kgs. The Samsung galaxy View tablet houses a 5700mAh battery to provide the required fuel for up to 8 hours of video playback.
A 1.6GHz Octo core Samsung Exynos processor works as the engine for this device. The device is loaded with 2GB RAM. You will have the option to choose either in 32GB or a bigger 64GB inbuilt storage variant with expandable support.The Samsung Galaxy View works of Android 5.1 Lollipop.
There is 2.1-megapixel camera on the front. The camera is capable of shooting 1080p videos. The connectivity features of the tablet include 4G LTE, Bluetooth 4.1,3.5mm audio jack, Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac and Micro USB connectivity.
The Samsung Galaxy View sports dual 4-watt speakers.