The Indian Election Commission has recently declared the date for 2019 elections. The Election will be completed in seven stages. To take guard of any sort irregularities during elections, the EC has introduced a mobile app called cVIGIL. Using this app the voters can complain any sort of irregularities if happens in their concerned Election sectors in fraction of seconds. The most important thing is that action will be taken against such complains in just 100 minutes. In support of their complain, the voters can send photos and videos. So let’s take a look on the specialties and features of this app.
cVIGIL App Features
First of all we would like to make this clear that the Indian Election Commission has developed this app and named it cVIGIL. Users can download this app on their Android Smartphones from the Google Play Store.
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To start using this app, you must register in it using your Mobile number. From this app you can directly access your mobile camera to take pictures and record videos.
This app also allows the users to provide information of their location and the place where the irregularities are marked. For instance, vote is purchased against money or voters are forced to put their support in favor of a certain person. This app also will provide a description box in which the users can describe the issue in detail.
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Once you have provided all information about any issue, you can submit it to the app. After you submit, the total number of registered complains will be showcased on your mobile screen. Also it will be shown against how many complains, action is already taken. Also it will be informed who will investigate into your complain.