Lava Mobiles, one of the well-known Indian smartphone and tablet makers, has made its new smartphone available in the online market via Flipkart. The smartphone, named ‘Lava Iris 401e’, is reportedly launched but we are not sure about it. However, according to the e-retailer, the price of the smartphone is Rs.4249/- and it is available in Blue and Grey colors. The customers buying the handset would get a screen guard and a silicon pouch for free. And there are several payment options available for customers such as EMI, Debit/Credit card, Net Banking and Cash on Delivery. They can choose any of the mentioned methods to make payment for the smartphone.
The smartphone, ‘Lava Iris 401e’ supports dual SIM with dual GSM standby. The smartphones in this price range usually run on Android Gingerbread (v2.3.5) OS and so does Iris 401e. It has a 1 GHz processor along with 256 MB RAM and 512 MB ROM. Its 4 inch capacitive touchscreen has a display resolution of 480 x 800 pixels (WVGA) with 16m colors.
It does have a camera, which is placed at the backside of it having 3 megapixel resolution. The camera is accompanied by a LED flash. It can record videos and can zoom as well. The smartphone has 200 MB internal memory, which is not considerable but seems okay as there is a microSD card slot that supports up to 32 GB of maximum extension.
The smartphone has a Music Player, Video Player, 3.5 mm headset jack and FM Radio. The players are compatible with almost all type of audio/video formats. It doesn’t support 3G but you can find other common connectivity options like 2G (GPRS/EDGE), micro USB, WiFi, Google Maps, Bluetooth etc.
It encompass Gravity sensor and comes preloaded with lots of apps like WeChat, Space Off, Lava Zone, Dragon Hunter, Saavn, Ninja Rush and many more. Its dimensions are 63 x 124 x 10 mm and currently there is no info about its weight, that’s not necessary though. A Li-Ion battery of capacity 1500 mAh lets it last up to 6 hours in terms of talktime over 2G network.
In order to purchase the smartphone click on any of the given links and you’ll be redirected to Flipkart.
According to Flipkart, currently there is 5% off on this handset, which is for limited period of time. So if you intend to buy this one, go for it now. But before make sure to read all the ‘Terms & Conditions’ on the product page.