All speculations finally reached to climax when Motorola declared the launch of the most anticipated Smartphone device the Motorola Moto G in India. As per the company announcement the device is going on floors today in India at a respective price range of Rs. 12,499 & Rs. 13,999 for the 8GB and 16GB variants. However, the device will be made available at the online store Flipkart starting from today. Apart, the users also can get the Moto G back cover at Rs. 899, Grip Cover at Rs. 1099 and the Flip Cover at Rs. 1599 from Flipkart.
Taking a look on the technical specifications of the Motorola Moto G ensures that the device features a 4.5 inch LCD display with a resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels and supports the pixel density of 326ppi which is comparatively superior to enrich your visual experience. The Smartphone is powered by a quad-core 1.2 GHz Cortex A7 CPU and Adreno 305 GPU along with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 chipset and supports a 5MP rear camera with LED flash at back. Besides, it features a 1.3 MP front cam which permits the users to have a video chat with their dear ones.
The Motorola Moto G runs on the latest Android 4.3 jelly Bean OS and will be updated with the Android 4.4.2 Kitkat update soon. The handset supports 1GB of RAM with 8/16 GB of in-built storage space, but doesn’t support any micorSD card, for additional storage space. But it offers you the additional cloud storage facility that can be used for storing data beyond 16GB. For connectivity purposes, the Smartphone uses numerous connectivity options such as Bluetooth 4.0, WiFi a/b/g/n, GPS, GLONASS, & microUSB. It features a 2070 mAh unswappable battery that is liable to provide you long power back up and measures 129.9 mm in height, 65.9 mm wide and 6-11.6 mm thick.
Excluding these all, the device is also water-resistant since it uses the water-resistant nano-coating technology on the inside and outside body. But now it’s to be seen how much market space does the Smartphone cover to sustain its credibility.