Xiaomi India has finally launched the Redmi 2 smartphone . The Redmi 2 will be available at a price of Rs. 6,999. It will be offered in White and Grey colour variants. It is a budget friendly smartphone with great features. We expect that this smartphone will compete well with many other handsets in this range.Recently, we have seen a lot of 4G enabled smarphones being launched.
The Xiaomi Redmi 2 sports a 4.7-inch IPS display with HD (720×1280 ppi) resolution and 312ppi. The handset weighs 133 grams and is 9.4mm.The smartphone runs the Android 4.4 Kitkat OS with company’s own MIUI 6 skin on top. The highlighting feature of this budget phone is that it has 4G dual-SIM functionality and both SIM card slots support 4G connectivity.
The Redmi 2 handset is powered on a 64-bit 1.2GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 410 processor (Cortex-A53) and Adreno 306 GPU. It comes loaded with 1GB of RAM. The Xiaomi Redmi 2 offers 8GB of inbuilt storage, which can be expanded up to 32GB via microSD. Talking on the camera features, the handset is equipped with a 8-megapixel rear camera, Users will also find a 2-megapixel front-facing camera for clicking selfies and making video calls.
The connectivity features on the Redmi 2 include 4G LTE (TDD/FDD) network support, Wi-Fi, FM, Micro USB, Bluetooth and GPS. The Xiaomi Redmi 2 features a 2200mAh battery. It has got sensors like Proximity Sensor, Accelerometer and Ambient Light sensor. The Xiaomi Redmi 2 will be sold via its first flash sale on March 24. All those interested to own this product can register for it on e commerce website Flipkart .
Xiaomi Redmi 1s was launched in the month of July last year. It features a 4.7 inch screen. It is powered by a 1.6 Ghz Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 processor. It features 1 GB RAM and offers 8 GB of internal storage space which can be expanded up to 64 GB. It is backed by a 2000 mAh battery. It features an 8 MP rear camera and a 1.6 MP front facing shooter. It got connectivity features like Wi-fi, GPS, Bluetooth, FM, Micro USB and 3G connectivity.
Xiaomi has also launched the MiPad tablet. The device will be offered in Black, Red, White, Blue, Green and Yellow colour variants. The Xiaomi MiPad sports a 7.9-inch QXGA (2048×1536 pixel) IPS Retina display resolution with a pixel density of 324ppi. The tablet is powered by a ‘4+1’-core 2.2 Ghz Nvidia Tegra K1 SoC ARM Cortex-A15 processor with the 192-core Kepler GPU. The tablet runs on 2GB of LPDDR3 RAM. The MiPad tablet houses a 6700mAh Li-ion battery.