According to a recent report, Xiaomi may be having a plan to replace the Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 with the MediaTek’s latest Helio X20 processor in the upcoming smartphones. Xiaomi Mi 5 and Mi Note Pro successor are rumoured to be launched soon. These handsets might have the opportunity to get the 10 Core processor.
Why is Xiaomi ditching the trusted Snapdragon 810? These may the causes. There were several claims that said that the processor had overheating and battery related issues. Samsung had launched the Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 edge with its own Exynos processor and kept a distance fronm the Snapdragon chipset. There was similar case with the LG G4. T is powered by Snapdragon 808 and not 810 chipset.
Earlier this month, MediaTek had launched a 10-Core tri cluster processor . We had already told you about the Deca core chipset. But, for those who have a problem recalling it.The new Helio X20 SoC features support for smartphone/ tablet displays with a refresh rate of 120Hz. The new Soc offers support for 32-megapixel single camera with 24fps and 25-megapixel with 30fps. And what more ? It packs 3D depth engine built into hardware and also sports new de-noise and demosaic hardware that gives enhanced image quality. It supports10-bit colour depth, and both HEVC and VP9 HW decoding. The tri-cluster CPU architecture is made up of three processor clusters. Mediatek says that each cluster each is designed to handle different types of workloads with greater efficiency. The MediaTek Helio X20 features one cluster of two ARM Cortex-A72 cores (clocked at 2.5GHz for extreme performance), and two clusters of four ARM Cortex-A53 cores (one cluster clocked at 2GHz for moderate loads, one clocked at 1.4GHz for low load activities. This technology will deliver hassle free performance and more battery life. The different tasks are being divided among the three clusters. So, when you are doing low load activity like messaging then 1.4 Ghz cores cluster will take the charge and the other two clusters will have a break. While, when you are playing some big games on your device, it’s the turn for the 2.5Ghz performance core cluster to boost up.
We are very eagerly waiting for the launch of the Xiaomi smartphones with the Deca core processor. We know Xiaomi offers high end features at comparatively lower price.