Facebook owned WhatsaApp has launched a grand challenge in India in order to inspire and fuel the growth of India’s entrepreneurial and small business community, following which the company will grant of a grand total of $250,000 (Approx 1.8 crore) to the top 5 startups in the country. The company lately has announced this in a press conference.
In one of its statements the company’s spokesperson said, Startups that are dedicated to driving success and enhancing grassroots innovation using their ideas for the socio-economic development of the country are invited for this challenge. Last date for applying this challenge is 10th March.
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Here we must say that while the entire population of WhatsApp users across the globe is 1.3 billion, only 20 crore users belong to India. Popularity of WhatsApp in the country can be easily guessed from the download number as the app has been downloaded more than 50 lakh times in just one year. Also around 84 percent small business entrepreneurs in the country confess that WhatsApp has helped them a lot to grow their business.
So if you are a startup and want to participate in the Startup India Grand Challenge contest, then you can apply using this form. Click on this link for registration.