Play iOS in Android:Researchers at Columbia University build ‘Cider’

Play iOS in Android:Researchers at Columbia University build ‘Cider’

Traditionally, it was always understood that Apple was the numero uno OS in terms of quality as well as quantity until the Android OS took over the smart phone market and endowed that world with the smartest of features and thus, started standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the Apple’s OS, and  if not, went ways further than Apple’s OS. And most of the credit for this can be given to the vast freedom Android offers to the third party developers, perhaps the only ground in which Apple lags.

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But then we can never just pick one OS over the other since every OS has its individual, unique need and demand at a particular situation, at a particular time. Also there is this issue of certain apps and programs being platform-specific, meaning they can only work on a particular OS. So, if most people in your friend circle use one particular OS and interact using some platform specific app, and you use another OS, you might repent not owning the other OS. To combat this problem, a project called Cider has been developed by members of the Department of Computer Science at Columbia University.

This architecture named as Cider, is OS compatible meaning it is compatible in any operating system. [highlight]What is interesting is that instead of using a virtual machine, this has been created according to the concepts of compile-time code adaptation and diplomatic functions[/highlight]. The compile time code adaptation permits existing application source code to be adapted without change for use on a completely new architecture whereas the diplomatic functions allow foreign apps and programs to attach themselves into host libraries. This may include attaching those programs designed for proprietary software and hardware interfaces. It can be notably expressed that this brilliant project further empowers Android against other OS given its already vast and ever increasing potentiality.

Reportedly, it has to face many legal as well as technical hurdles but it is best hoped that the source code for this project is soon released for other developers to work on it and improve the architecture further. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to use Apple apps and games on your Android set? It definitely will be. [highlight]You can visit the project page to collect more data on Cider. For futher news,updates and rooting tips,keep visiting BlogZamana.

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